Then, yesterday me and Michael went into town and did some essential shopping, and I got my haircut. I was greatly saddened by the amount of grey hair Haley (my hairdresser) revealed on my monthly trim. I'd been letting the hair-dye grow out and when she gave me my trim it was shocking! So it's a case of going back into town maybe tomorrow to get it coloured again! I promised never to dye my hair again, but the amount of silver on my temples is WAY too much than what's respectable for a young man of my few 28 years!
Then, in the evening, Andrea (my great-mate from work) took me and Michael to IKEA for some Christmas Home-Making Therapy! Wendy (another great-mate from work) was supposed to come, and made it as far as my front room, but surprisingly changed her mind at the last minute. Oh, that's a story and a half! ANYWAY. I bought some oldy-worldy bedding, a lamp-shade and some bed cushions. Gave our bedroom an whole makeover for less than £60. 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' move over! Don't know why I'm posting a picture of my bedroom, but here's the result:
Molly seemed to take to it very quickly! Look, aw:
Well anyway... today I woke up at 5 and came downstairs to tell Michael off for waking me up so early in the morning. He laughed and told me it was actually 5PM, evening-time. I can't believe I went to bed at midnight last night and woke up and 5pm today. I'm losing days! What's wrong with me?!
... and all with an ear & throat infection, and an ever-growing addiction to nicotine. I MUST LAY OFF THE FAGS. Anyway, I start another 7 night shifts on Monday evening, so my well-laid plans of going to Wales to visit my Nana had better stick next time, as this week has proved a total disaster.
Michael has been doing lots of shopping for Christmas decorations (decs) and came home today with a 7 foot tall Pine Tree! I might do a bit tomorrow - I really want an angel for the top of the tree.
Anyway, that's it for tonight. I'm going to bed at 10pm and going to try and get into a normal sleeping regime again... I hope!
Now playing: Laura Cantrell - And Still
via FoxyTunes
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