Monday 31 August 2009

Notes on a Scandal

It's been a difficult weekend for me. I found out that a dear friend has been wrongfully convicted of one of modern societys greatest taboo, that of having indecent images of minors on a laptop.

I have utter faith in this person, and trust this loving individual not to get caught up in such circumstances. The tragic irony is that the person in question actually found the images on their personal laptop and reported it to the authorities. In the belief that the right thing was being done, it transpired that images and movies were downloaded, but were disguised within zip files and titled with legitimate names. The laptop was used on a public Uni network and had a second-hand hard drive installed. There were so many ways this material could have found its way onto this persons laptop, none of which were intentional.

However, because in legal terms, this is still classed as 'making' indecent images or films of minors. As such, the press pounced on this story like rabid hyenas, with no due care or concern for the facts or regard for a life now in tatters. I wrote into the press:

Published in a local 'newspaper' following an investigation into a 22 year old accused of having child pornography on their computer - clarifying terms and addressing public witch hunts:

"Regarding the comment made by Luke Robberts, I would like to thank him for clarifying the term "making" which refers simply to possessing, intentionally or otherwise. This term is grossly inaccurate to the public, and having worked for the Ministry of Justice for several years, I have seen the traumatic damage caused to innocent people accused over something which can so easily happen to any of you. Just to clarify, the term "making" refers to objectionable material which is deemed to be in your possession. It does not mean that the accused has been physically producing objectionable material by physically filming video footage or taking photographs. It is very common for such offensive material to find itself on ones computer or laptop hard-drive through no intentional fault of the user of the computer equipment. For example, laptops or computers which are shared between work colleagues or students at a university, network sharing, and the downloading files from peer-to-peer network services such as Limewire and Torrent sites can easily, but unwittingly download such objectionable material disguised as legitimate material. The other risk is if the owner of laptop or PC has bought such hardware second-hand or has had, for example, had a second-hand hard-drive installed. Sadly, I have seen many people wrongly accused of such unintentional mistakes, which has inevitably ruined the entirety of their life. It is not for us, the public to jump to irrational conclusions and start a witch hunt. Trial and punishment by public opinion and hate campaigns as a result of dubious media coverage blights this country. We all have a duty to protect the welfare of our children and any other vulnerable person, but unless we know the exact details of a particular case, or have had personal contact with the accused, we would do well to keep our opinions to ourselves and allow to the courts to take its natural course of inquiry."

As a result of my comments, some people have also turned their backs on me, as a guilt by association phenomenon. People have blocked me on Facebook, sent abusive emails and made liablous accusations. Before my comment were deleted from Facebook, and before I was blocked for simply expressing a point of view, I wrote:

"It's a shame that some people have lost sight of who the real victim is here. If only they would listen to the voice of reason - and experience - they might realise that behind the cheap newspaper article, there is a broken, loving human soul with a life in tatters. At the time when friends couldn't be more important, they run... It serves some of you well to be in possession of the facts before jumping to tragic, bitterly hurtful conclusions. I am not ashamed to stand tall, be counted, have faith and trust in my dear friend and support this fragile person you so easily judge."

These are just my notes. I will not desert my friend and will offer support wherever I can. I am not ashamed. On that note, I'll end on one of my adapted poems:


I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
The die has been cast.
I have stepped over the line.
The decision has been made.
I won't look back, let up, slow down,
back away, or be still.
My past is redeemed,
my present makes sense,
and my future is secure.

I am finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning,
smooth knees, colorless dreams,
tight giving, and crumpled goals.

I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position,promotions,
plaudits, or popularity.

I now live by presence, learn by faith, love by patience, lift by prayer,
and labour by power.

My pace is set, my gait is fast,
my goal is set, my road is narrow,
my way is rough, my companions few, my guide reliable, my mission clear.

I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, diluted, or delayed.

I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy,
ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I must give until I drop,
Preach until you listen,
and work until you notice.
And when you come to find me,
You will have no problem recognising me.

My colors will be clear.
For I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed.


1 comment:

James Alexander (UK) said...

Thank you for sharing your insightful notes. Although not easy to read, I'm glad I did. I speak from personal experience and understand the devastation unfounded accusations and convictions causes. It is easy to forget who the victim is in cases like this, and although the children are abuse victims, and need saving, we should remember that 99.9% of the population would want nothing to do with such behaviour. It's so easy to start a witch hunt, but so difficult to stop something like a run away train after it's started. I just hope your friend has people to lean on until his innocence is recognised.