Thursday, 10 May 2007


Hello! It's almost 11pm here, its raining and I've spent the last half an hour in the garden (yes, in the pouring rain) digging up weeds, removing cat shit pulling up a ravaged shrub (sodding greenfly) and propping up wilting orange flowers. My sweet-peas are coming up a treat, and even the odd sunflower dares to shoot. And that's just the front garden! I'm 27 going on 70. I'm soaking wet (did I mention its raining?), dirty, muddy and I stink of god knows what. And do you know what...? I'm happy!

Almost got the start date at my new job, but no surprises - when asked to prove my previous income, which I did two weeks ago, the establishment lost them. Why am I not surprised. I guess the thing about getting old is that you still need the anti-d's, the odd Valium (I wish) but you seem to develop a wise-head on ageing shoulders. I mean, life can still be crap, but nothing surprises you anymore. The lines keep appearing under the eyes, the temples grey, yet there's still a scared, 16 year-old boy inside, hiding and hoping not to be found out.

Uh oh... almost lost it there.

Michael is upstairs talking to his Mum. I've barley spoken to him today. He went to work, came home, cooked dinner, had a bath and rang his mum. No me time tonight! But then, I'm being selfish. He has an interview tomorrow, which he has already got. The job, that is. He won't admit it; in fact he'd have you believe that he's a failure. I know he's good, he just doesn't keep the faith in himself. If he stumbles anywhere, it will not because of his ability, but because of his lack of self-confidence. We'll see what tomorrow brings (he's coming...!)

Tomorrow evening, my good friend David is coming over to help me install Vista on this Dell PC. So maybe I'll write a new entry tomorrow night from a lovely new operating system.

My grandmother has been transferred away from hospital, and is now in a more local district hospital nearer to home. Hopefully she'll be hope next week...

Otherwise, little all else to report! Apart from the ramblings of a mad man who's been watching too much "One Foot in the Grave."


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